Monday, September 22, 2008


BBC is also known as the British Broadcasting Coperation, it is a UK based broadcasting coperation it is also the biggiest broadcastin coperation in the world.

BBC was founded by John Reith

Motto "Nation Shall Speak Peace Unto Nation"

Key people:Sir Michael Lyons
Chairman Mark Thopmson
Director-General (Chairman of the Executive Board).

Launch date 1922 (radio)
1927 (incorporation)
1932 (television)

Outside the United Kingdom the BBC broadcasts commercially funded channels such as BBC America, BBC Canada, and BBC World News. The BBC is runned by a group of people known as the "BBC Trust" this group includes people such as :

Sir Michael Lyons (Chair)
Chitra Bharucha (Vice-Chair)
Diane Coyle
Dermot Gleeson
Alison Hastings
Patricia Hodgson
Rotha Johnston
Janet Lewis-Jones
David Liddiment
Jeremy Peat
Mehmuda Pritchard
Richard Tait

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